Services Offered

Manufacturer Assistance

Although it is the responsibility of the provider to properly submit claims to the funding source, manufacturers are being asked to assist in several areas related to reimbursement. Manufacturers need to be aware of their customers’ needs, from education and proper pricing of their products based on reimbursement policies to proper coding of their products.


Product Development and Product Management Assistance – As manufacturers develop new products, they need to be aware of how the product will be funded by various funding sources. Once they understand the medical coverage criteria, the manufacturer will need to be certain that they appropriately price the item to allow a provider an acceptable profit margin. Our staff will work with you as you develop new products or assist if a marketing change is made with an existing product.

PDAC Code Application Assistance – For many products, a manufacturer is required to submit an application for code verification by the PDAC. The Orion Group can assist with this submission.

Customer and Staff Training – The Orion Group has the ability to provide customer service assistance to a manufacturer’s customers in the area of reimbursement. This service can be conducted via email or as a blind telephone transfer directly to our experienced consultants. Many times we find that the existing customer service staff may have a vast knowledge of their products, but they lack the in-depth knowledge needed in reimbursement; this may include questions as simple as product codes or as in depth as specific product medical policy. This service can provide your company with the expertise you need, without having to hire and/or train additional staff. In addition, we can extend the service to internal staff, including sales associates in the field with their customers. Training programs can also be developed for both the staff or customers and may be conducted on-site, via teleconference or webinar.

All-in-One Reimbursement Resource – Our customers can retain The Orion Group to assist with their overall reimbursement questions or any special projects. This service can be easily conducted via telephone or email.